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Fri, 03 Nov 2017, 17:47
Yeah, I’ll be leaving that particular function for the meantime.
First, I’m going to get the 2D, Audio, input and other basic stuff up and running, then work on my actual "menu-game-menu" Framework stuff.

Once everything's in place and working as it oughta, I might try my hand at some fancier effects like the quad images and things, but the priority is in getting things ready for AGameAWeek 2018...
And it’s already November! Yikes!!!

''Load, Next List!''
Fri, 03 Nov 2017, 18:27
Are you actually enjoying yourself there Jay?
Sat, 04 Nov 2017, 03:31
To a degree. It's never not fun to learn.

Yesterday was frustrating as hell, but I’ve done that task, and can safely move on.
.. I hope?!

''Load, Next List!''
Sat, 04 Nov 2017, 08:32
Time for a test, if anyone's up for it.
Let me know how it goes.

Copy+pasted from AGameAWeek

I haven't got around to tackling Streams, yet, and have spent all morning working on audio loading functionality.
Mainly that the thing kept breaking when trying to load too many files.
Typical memory leaks and the like were fairly rampant, too.

But I've persevered, and I think it's more or less stable, now.

If you'd like to test things, so far, you can Download the test version here.

Features. It should load 10 sounds.
Hitting Z through B will play sounds 1-5, whilst N will randomly play sounds 6-10.

In addition, holding up or down will pitch the sounds up or down.
Holding the left key should clear out Sound 1, free the memory, then instantly reload sound 1.
Hitting Z after hitting Left should result in the same thing!
Holding Z and Left together should sound a bit glitchy, as it constantly has to stop the sound to free the buffer, before reloading it.

All of the above should work without any issues cropping up.
You should also be able to flip to Fullscreen (F11) and back without a hitch, and all the sounds should stay in memory, but be sure to test that and let me know if it does indeed function correctly.

Oh, and if it fails to open OpenAL, give the OAInst.exe a run, which should install OpenAL drivers for you.

That's a lot of testing.

Thanks for testing!

''Load, Next List!''
Sat, 04 Nov 2017, 09:07
Seems to work allright on my win 10 asus rog strix laptop. (f11 also)
Sat, 04 Nov 2017, 17:15
Worked fine here
Sat, 04 Nov 2017, 20:39
Worked fine Windows 7 except

> Holding the left key should clear out Sound 1, free the memory, then instantly reload sound 1.
> Hitting Z after hitting Left should result in the same thing!
> Holding Z and Left together should sound a bit glitchy, as it constantly has to stop the sound to free the buffer, before reloading it.

Just silence (and a redish background) for this bit

blog | work | code | more code
Sun, 05 Nov 2017, 00:11
Windows 8.1 everything works fine.
When I hit left key
I see the messages below but no sound, hope thats what is intended.
Freeing Buffer <number>
Freeing Buffer <number>
Freeing Buffer <number>
Load 17212 bytes
Load Wave 1
Sun, 05 Nov 2017, 03:17
I’ll see if I can come up with a nice simple way to stress test this.
Perhaps a nice little audio based minigame is in order?

''Load, Next List!''
Sun, 05 Nov 2017, 06:05
OK, another test!

Clicky Numbers

There are 10 clickable numbers on the screen.
Click them.
Each click does the following.
1. Free previous number .wav
2. Load new number .wav
3. Play number .wav

Or at least, it should do..

Click, and let me know if it does.

Thanks for testing!

''Load, Next List!''
Sun, 05 Nov 2017, 06:10
1 to 10 works here on the win 10 amd a8 laptop.
Sun, 05 Nov 2017, 06:16
Clicking number test exe is working.
Sun, 05 Nov 2017, 07:06
Works fine over here (Win 7)
Sun, 05 Nov 2017, 07:35
Yep. Works a treat here.
Sun, 05 Nov 2017, 11:36
So, erm... Streaming audio for music doesn't sound very easy to do!!

I need to create two buffers for the stream, read X bytes per frame, dump them into buffer A, send buffer A to the player, then whilst that's playing, do the next snippet to buffer B, then flip back and forth whilst (somehow!) keeping the audio flowing correctly.
.. The fuck!?!

I preferred Monkey!!!!

''Load, Next List!''
Sun, 05 Nov 2017, 12:02
Are there no simple open source music playing libs that you can add to your framework?
Sun, 05 Nov 2017, 12:13
I've started my trawl. Hopefully I can find something suitable in the next day or so... I don’t want to waste too much time on it!

''Load, Next List!''
Sun, 05 Nov 2017, 12:15
Better to waste time now than later... There's no rush to get your framework done. Why not just go the whole SDL route?

I wish I had your dedication and motivation as I've been wanting to get away from GLB and back to C++ for a long time now. I just have too much going on around me at the moment though.
Sun, 05 Nov 2017, 12:50
Yeah, I think that’s the crux of it. I have nothing but time, and a Fuckton of boredom!!
I’m slightly rushing because I also have the "game menu, scoreboards, Standard AGameAWeek Feel" to code on top of getting to grips with the language, and hopefully having it run on all the targets.. my aim is to be done, and have Game 1 ready by January....
... so, yeah, rushing!!

''Load, Next List!''
Mon, 06 Nov 2017, 06:39
Got my double buffers working, today. In actual fact, I needed 4 buffers!!
.wav streaming is now (hopefully) working.

-=-Copy and Paste from AGameAWeek.com-=-

OK, I think I managed to get this working!!

Run the game, and you should hear the "Sheep Goes Right - Level Complete" sound playing over and over and over.
This is in fact an audio stream.
This first test is for .wav only, so I left the "Data/550/TestStream.wav" as just a small little sample, but if you want to try switching it out for some actual music, simply replace that file.
Audio must be in .wav format, though.

Be sure to let me know if it does/doesn't work for you.

You can Download Stream Test here.

As always, thanks for testing!


Additional notes

Hold up or down to pitch shift the stream.
Any stuttering issues should be mentioned, but will hopefully be dealt with once I add threading.. .. .I still haven't tackled threading!!!!
Again, feel free to replace the .wav with your own music .wav. The higher the quality, the more obvious any stuttering will be.
Pitch Up+Down only kick in when the next bit of buffer is streamed. I need to make that a bit more immediate.

Now that that's working, it's on to figuring out alternative formats!!!
God help me!!

''Load, Next List!''
Mon, 06 Nov 2017, 07:03
I tried it and it works. I also replaced the wav file with a old one I made 10 years ago or so and this one played also. It did make a short tick sound at the first play but after closing and trying again not again.
Mon, 06 Nov 2017, 07:04
Works fine here.
Tue, 07 Nov 2017, 14:26
I got Ogg streaming (hopefully) working, today, which is nice.
I tried getting mod playing to work, yesterday, but it's one of those "Simply compile the library to run!!!!" things, where no matter how hard you try, it just won't fucking well compile...
So, today I thought "Screw that for now" and decided to get Ogg streaming to work, instead.

Download the test here.

Music plays.
Up and Down alters the pitch.
Nothing else much added, to speak of.

Hold N and Up to stress it as much as possible. It'll probably stutter a bit, under those circumstances, but otherwise should be a nice steady stream of music.

Let me know if it isn't!

''Load, Next List!''
Wed, 08 Nov 2017, 00:52
Works okay here and at work. But the FPS at work was only 20FPS.
Wed, 08 Nov 2017, 01:13
Was it previously quicker, or is it something to do with the Ogg support?!
.. and does hitting F11 to switch to fullscreen make it any better?

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Wed, 08 Nov 2017, 02:57
Everything is working fine with ogg streaming. Did not see the FPS issue in either the windowed or the full screen mode.
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