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Socoder -> Web Development -> Safari on PC

Wed, 13 Jun 2007, 13:15
Yep, they did it... apple released Safari for XP/Vista computers. The beta is out and available here. Frankly I don't find it to be that exciting. There's nothing new or revolutionary in this browser (I'm using it right now), and even though I recognize its still in beta, it still feels flawed. For instance, it appears that they used their own kind of clear-type font, which appears very blurry at this website. Additionally some things that i found to be annoying like the bookmarks page taking up the entire screen instead of just being a small little side bar.

Only thing here that I found that isn't in another browser is the resizable text boxes (so the text box i'm typing this into can change in size at runtime manually), aside from being mildly convenient, I can forsee that that will just break a lot of page's layouts. Anyway, try it out, make your own judgments.

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Wed, 13 Jun 2007, 13:55
I got it yesterday and was completely annoyed at how it uses it's own Mac look & feel. As I'm running Vista I especially want to know if there is a way to turn this off?

As for speed, it's meant to be way faster but I only see a slight increase. In contrast the 'IE 7 optimized for MSN' does seem ALOT faster on the MSN site. Normal internet browsing however seems no faster, in fact slower then FireFox.

This is especially annoying as the only apparent extras in FireFox 2 seems to be it's many bugs. Of all the programs I run it crashes the most, and if it encounters a Java applet, it'll simply freeze.

I feel like trying to track down a copy of FireFox 1.5.
Wed, 13 Jun 2007, 14:52
Only thing here that I found that isn't in another browser is the resizable text boxes

But, there's probably a billion Firefox extensions for it.
Scroll down to "Resizeable text area 0.1d"

With that you just click and drag the text areas.

(Or, you can add something to userContent.css to force a decent minimum size to begin with, which is what I do...)

But, I'm happy with Firefox. It runs great for me, and is pretty much a portable OS - for example, the mac has a real shortage of good free FTP and IRC clients for the old version of OS X I run. So, FireFTP and ChatZilla run wherever I take Firefox as extensions. ChatZilla is also my Windows IRC client, because I don't want to pay for one. And no learning curve, either, because I've used them on other OS's before too.

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Wed, 13 Jun 2007, 16:06
Safari for Windows has a security hole

Bugs already, apparently

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Wed, 13 Jun 2007, 17:47
FIREFOX!!!! to be honest i couldn't care less about safari, its just another browser with nothing amazingly unique to offer.

Stuff... Yeah...
Fri, 15 Jun 2007, 16:33
I gave it a try, now i'm using firefox again. not worth the trouble.

Check out my excellent homepage!
Thu, 12 Jul 2007, 02:30
Since I converted from IE 6 to FireFox, I never thought I'd say it. But that's it. FireFox is terrible. Too many bugs, too many problems, too many failurs!

I've now switched back to IE 7. I've noticed it's a lot faster then I remember. It's either as fast or faster then FireFox for internet browsing. But earlier I downloaded Ubuntu 6 (FireFox later crashed during the download) and it was going at aroung 350kb/s. An hour later same download from the same site with IE 7, over 500kb/s.

Although it's very annoying that IE 7 downloads it to a temporary folder and then copies it to it's destination. Sundenly copying a 700mb iso is more annoying then you'd expect.

However, some great features of IE 7: It offers to shut down any scripts on a page that are making it hang (unlike FireFox). It also successfully downloads files (unlike FireFox). It also always focusses on the main page after you click on it (unlike FireFox). If a Java applet fails to run, it will tell you and not crash (unlike FireFox). The best thing I like though, is how IE 7 doesn't randomly close when you open it up or visit a website (unlike FireFox).

However I do miss the bookmarks toolbar. IE 7 has a similar one but it's more like a folder toolbar. The ability to open a whole folder of booksmarks with one click doesn't work and it's pretty ugly. The auto completion for Wikipedia searches in the search box was genious. Finally I'll also miss being able to press '/' to bring up the quick find in FireFox, which was the best find function ever. I hope Microsoft steal them all for IE 8.

ctrl+delete also doesn't seem to work, which is odd. I wouldn't have thought it would matter if I was in IE 7 or FireFox.
Thu, 12 Jul 2007, 14:35
used to use firefox all the time but I kind of fell out with it. I'm currently giving the latest version of opera a go - seems nice and I quite like the speed dial feature.

As for safari on windows i really dont see the point tbh

One life - live it
Thu, 12 Jul 2007, 16:23
Yeah, Opera is a nice browser
I use Opera on windows when I need to quickly check something, but Firefox is my main browser for an intensive session.

Though, if you're on Linux, Firefox is a lot nicer with the RAM than on Windows. And if I really want a lightening fast thing, Epiphany is another nice Linux browser (it uses the Gecko engine like Firefox, but has a simpler interface)

I tried Konqueror with a Red Hat live CD, and it wasn't bad. It uses the same rendering engine as Safari (khtml or something?). Apple's work on the rendering engine is fed back to the Open Source developers working on Konqueror/KHTML/whoever. You wouldn't see Microsoft lending their Explorer source code to Mozilla! (And, good thing too )

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Fri, 13 Jul 2007, 05:39
Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't Safari moving to Windows like country folk moving into east London?

I wouldn't be surprised if it took years till Safari is adequately patched up (in the analogy, it'd be: sufficient locks on doors and bars on windows *pun not intended) to the standard of Firefox or IE7.

In regards to Opera, I don't really like how it's caching everything. I have to double reload everytime I open it up. I like the top 10 sites list feature though.

For me, I choose Firefox because of the extensions I have for it.
Without, I'd wouldn't be bother which I'd use between Firefox and IE7. Both have their quirks, although Firefox is more up to date with the CSS 2.0 spec.

BlitzRSS script back online!
Fri, 13 Jul 2007, 07:58
In regards to Opera, I don't really like how it's caching everything. I have to double reload everytime I open it up. I like the top 10 sites list feature though.

You can turn that off in the settings though, can't you? Mind you, I haven't tried the latest versions. (I'm too lazy to update things on Windows. On Ubuntu, things just run along and update themselves )

blog | work | code | more code
Fri, 13 Jul 2007, 08:08
Opera : Press Ctrl-F12 (or open prefs through menus if you're scared of keypresses!) go to Advanced/History.
Change Check Documents to Always, and Memory Cache to Off

Should fix it.. If not, turn off the Disk Cache, too..

''Load, Next List!''
Fri, 13 Jul 2007, 08:43
Ahh thanks hoboben, jay.
Fri, 13 Jul 2007, 18:31
I'd say I'm happy with firefox, I also like opera and IE, but I use firefox as my primary right now. I don't thing safari really has anything to offer. Unless apple starts distributing safari-specific web apps nobody will really find a need to download it for pc, unless they are a mac user.

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Computer Science Series: Logic (pt1) (part 2) (part 3) 2's Complement Mathematics: Basic Differential Calculus
Sun, 29 Jul 2007, 15:23
Evil Roy Ferguso
Tried Safari. It's useful to be able to test sites in a KHTML browser without abusing dual-boot, but that's all I can really say for it. I wish Apple would stop using the brushed metal UI for non-Mac applications... the interface would still feel fairly Mac-like with the native windows theme: just one look at the Preferences dialog is enough to tell any Windows user that the application has come from abroad.

DiablosDevil: If FireFox is crashing, check to make sure you don't have any poorly written extensions installed. My installation of FireFox 2.0.0.x has crashed exactly once the whole time I've been using it, which is needless to say quite heavily. (Memory use is a little high, but I average about 15 tabs, so that's sort of entirely my own fault.) Instability like that should be looked into, even if you plan to continue using IE7 as your regular browser.

Personally, if it wasn't for the Web Developer's Toolbar and a few other nifty things with no apparent Opera-analogues, I would use that browser almost all of the time.

(Er... sorry, didn't notice the thread was ancient!)
Sun, 29 Jul 2007, 15:30
I agree about Safari lacking Windows look & fell. As for FireFox, thanks for the suggestion but I don't think my extensions are to blame. I have very few and from before this all started.

My brother had loads of different FireFox problems and he has fixed it by resetting his FireFox profile, or it's something like that. He said he read that they can get damaged over time and cause problems. Considering FireFox earlier crashed when I was doing nothing on a website I've visited hundreds of times, I'm going to be looking into this. Gran Paradiso (FireFox 3 alpha) also seems more stable, but no noticeable difference to FireFox 2.