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Socoder -> Blitz -> Scrolling tiles

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Tue, 12 Mar 2024, 12:00
had to move the dim to the top of the file, that fixed it. weird.

Anyway, that's far too slow, maybe I'll do a wipe or something.

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Tue, 12 Mar 2024, 13:19
Is b3d the one with "lockbuffer" and "writepixelfast"? .. and don't forget to unlock buffer..

That "might" be quicker, though if you're redrawing too many.. maybe not..!

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Tue, 12 Mar 2024, 14:44
it helps with reading, but because my pixels are huge, rect is faster fro drawing.

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Tue, 12 Mar 2024, 14:54
Yeah, I figured that'd probably be the case.
Sun, 17 Mar 2024, 04:57
Spent a couple of days tryin to get this right with the potentially random screen sizes...

I think it works well.

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Sun, 17 Mar 2024, 05:38
Future proofing
Sun, 17 Mar 2024, 10:44
Good job Blitz only detects single screen resolution, I set this manually just to see...

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Sun, 17 Mar 2024, 13:03
Get out the projector!!!
Mon, 18 Mar 2024, 07:23

Not sure if I'm spending too much time on the details when the rest of the game isn't finished...

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Wed, 20 Mar 2024, 17:37
Got the title screen and intro screen sorted, adding the HUD info now.

World accurate step counter and miles walked
Probably have to play about 30 levels to get your daily target in.

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Wed, 20 Mar 2024, 18:00
I'm really getting to like what you're doing with this game.
Wed, 20 Mar 2024, 23:40
A long time ago on the Blitz Forums. I got this tip from someone about a level I drew. It was that Is should add something to break the repetitive pattern in the tiles. This by adding some tile variations. I added a bump on a tile and some other variations.

No idea how I would start to modify the tile set today. Shadows seem to be my favorite lately. A redraw and variation on a tile set I did on 'Galactic warrior rats" from the Amiga turned out nice for me.
That screenshot got close to 30.000 views in 2 years for me. Eye candy seems to get clicks.

Looking at the intro screen though. That looks real nice already.
Fri, 22 Mar 2024, 04:43
Good idea!

Now has 4 random floor tiles, 3 random wall tiles and 4 hazard tape tiles.
I think the worn out hazard tape is a nice addition.

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Fri, 22 Mar 2024, 05:12
A quick google search shows that the average level select screen for puzzle games has your basic grid layout of icons, and a notification of how man objectives have been completed, usually stars out of 3. I'm not sure I can think of 3 clear objectives for this type of game.

1. Time
2. Moves
3. ???

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Fri, 22 Mar 2024, 05:18
Multiply the time by an arbitrary *Rnd(1.3,1.7) or something. Then you can award a Normal Time and a Developer's Best Time star

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Fri, 22 Mar 2024, 06:13
Have you tried adding a shadow layer on the right/right bottom and bottom? This on anything which has height?

Not sure if you got the gpu for real time alpha blending shadows, or memory for shadowed tiles. Shadows always seem to add another upgrade to the gfx if done correctly.
Fri, 22 Mar 2024, 06:14
IIRC, blitz3d using 2d draws didn't do alphas, etc.
If you write a "2d in 3d" engine, it can, but that's a right PITA.

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Fri, 22 Mar 2024, 06:18
Ah blitz..

It could be done with pre rendering. But editing and darkening certain areas in a tool might be quicker.
Thu, 28 Mar 2024, 12:02
What the bolloxing hell am I doing wrong here?

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Thu, 28 Mar 2024, 12:16

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Thu, 28 Mar 2024, 13:57
God dammit!

"File not open" or something would be more useful though.

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Thu, 28 Mar 2024, 17:29
Objectives ?

1. Number of moves, lowest is best
2. Number of undo's, 0 is best
3. Time taken ? Lowest is best

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Thu, 28 Mar 2024, 18:17
I'm not sure I'd punish specifically for undos. Maybe have undos count as moves. Or, if you undo, don't "uncount" the move.

If you say "RAWR, undo!!!" then people will be less willing to use the undo. But if you have it subtly act against their score, it's a risk/reward thing, you're more willing to use it, but know it'll reduce your overall score.

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Fri, 05 Apr 2024, 04:25
Slowly chipping away at this. 20 years ago I would have finished this in a couple of days.

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Fri, 05 Apr 2024, 04:38
That looks well cool.
Fri, 05 Apr 2024, 05:59
Yeah, but 20 years ago it wouldn't have looked anywhere near as polished!

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