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Socoder -> Killer Bites -> ZenPop Noodle Box

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Fri, 28 Dec 2018, 04:43
More? Go on then!!

November Noodle Three

Looks Like

Tastes Like

Very thin sauce. Brown thin oily sauce!!
The big slabs of pork are incredibly tasty, and the oily sauce is rather nice, too.
A very meaty flavour to the whole thing.
It's good, but it's like it's lacking a bit of flavour. Maybe the packet of ketchup that you get in a Beef and Tomato Pot Noodle..?
It's good, but .. .. something's not quite right!

Rating : 4/5 - Nice, but is missing something.

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Sun, 30 Dec 2018, 05:36
November Noodle Four

Looks Like...

Tastes Like...

First up, that giant slab..
Tasted kinda vaguely meaty, but was extremely rubbery, and not recommended!!
If I get another of those, it'll be chucked!!

Under it were super thick noodles. Very much looking like Pot Noodle Noodles, but twice the width.
There are also little yellow smushy ball things, which I'm assuming are egg. They do taste a bit eggy.

There's not much taste to the broth, though. That's the ultimate letdown in this hodgepodge of oddness.

Rating : 1/5 - Bleurgh.

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Sun, 30 Dec 2018, 05:47
Sounds bonkers. That'll be the Japanese for you!
Sun, 30 Dec 2018, 06:21
Thu, 03 Jan 2019, 05:06
I'm wolfing through November's noodles, and today's tiny noodle won't help..

Looks Like

Fucking tiny..

Tastes Like

It's alright, I suppose.
Nice chicken flavour. Enjoyable, but tiny.
Is this the same on I had before..??


Rating 3/5 - Not enough!!!

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Thu, 03 Jan 2019, 09:49
Not a fan of just chicken & noodles. I love chicken. I love noodles. Put them together though and they are boring as fuck. Noodles need spice and other things. Not just chicken flavouring.
Thu, 03 Jan 2019, 09:54
Thu, 03 Jan 2019, 10:40

1. Morrisons frozen Stir Fry Veg
2. Nong Shim Shin Noodles

Make pan go hot, add frozen veg, make veg go hot, add boiled water flavouring and noodles, continue to make hot until fully hotted.

I can rarely stand long enough to make this.. only takes ten minutes.. bah, humbug..

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Thu, 03 Jan 2019, 12:48
Nom. Nom. Nom.
Sat, 05 Jan 2019, 06:01
Noodle Six

Looks Like

A right pigs ear!!

Tastes Like..

First, the Pig's Ear didn't taste of anything.. just a slightly crispy pasta-like blob. *shrugs*
The soup is kinda creamy, and certainly tastes unique, but I wouldn't call it Ginger, or even Milk. It's definitely different, though.

Rating : 4/5 - Different, but not bad different. Could do without the Pigs Ear.

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Sun, 06 Jan 2019, 04:03
First thing I thought when I saw it was pigs ears too!
Tue, 08 Jan 2019, 05:06
Noodle Seven

Looks Like

Tastes Like...

"Wow!" was my initial impression upon opening the dry noodle pot, as the waft of hamburgers floated through the kitchen.
It's still a strong smell after having "cooked" the noodles.
The blend of hamburger meat and a pickle/relish smell is rather distinctive, and incredibly powerful.

The flavour continues as you're eating it, and it's really rather alarming how much like a proper hamburger this tastes.

Rating : 5/5 - Perhaps the best noodle, so far!!

.. but I wouldn't want it too often, I don't think, as it does get a bit sickly towards the end.

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Tue, 08 Jan 2019, 05:38
Bonkers. Nom. Nom. Nom!
Thu, 10 Jan 2019, 05:01
The last noodle for November, and it's....

Looks Like..

Extremely dry!!

Tastes Like..

There's no denying it, it really is identical to the flavour of a tube of Sour Cream and Chive Pringles!!
.. a shame that those are my least favourite Pringle flavour.

Rating : 4/5 - Delicious idea, let down by the flavour.

And that's the end of November.
Coming soon.. December

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Thu, 10 Jan 2019, 08:57
Gotta admit, Japanese packaging always looks amazing. Often very weird, but amazing.

Sat, 12 Jan 2019, 03:53
It's time to launch into another month of Noodles..

But we're still playing catchup! ... It's December!!
January's is already here, and it says "1901" on the side of the box. Luckily it turned up here, and not at Frasier's..

Cheat Sheet : Page 1 Page 2

Noodle One

Looks Like..

Tastes Like.

Very fishy!
But fishy with a kick to it.
The fishiness is "Good Fish", like a Cod/Tuna kinda thing, not "Bad Fish" like those horrible strong seafoods.
The kick also helps quite a lot, and takes away from the fishiness.

Noodle wise, bit of a let down. It's the "waterproof" ones, but .. Maybe it's a good thing that the noodles aren't full of the fishy flavour..?

Rating : 2/5 - Not a great start.

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Sun, 13 Jan 2019, 01:21
Are you aware that the Japanese use reverse order for dates? Therefore 1901 is year 19 and month 1. So yeah, January 2019. And nothing to do with Frasier. Shame

Not a great start at all.
Sun, 13 Jan 2019, 04:19
Yep, I've been using reverse order for many years. Works great for filenames, as they all end up in the correct order when sorted alphabetically.

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Wed, 16 Jan 2019, 05:01
Noodle Two

Looks Like...

Tastes Like...

Has a hint of Wine to it. ..
Lots of flavour, but that overpowering taste of Wine is kinda offputting.
The nice thick noodles are Pot Noodle variety, so they're really soaking up the strange wine flavour.

Rating : 2/5 - Not for me. Nice, but not for me.

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Sat, 19 Jan 2019, 14:07
Bonus Snack

Looks like..

Tastes Like..

Not the best Carbonara. It's a little too cheesy for my liking, and not nearly bacon'y enough.
The "creamy" carbonara sauce is watery as hell, even after only filling the pot to the "halfway up" fill level.

Also, the pasta is very watery, too. I can understand them trying to make the pasta "cook" well enough, unlike those crap MugShots which often end up with crunchy uncooked pasta in them, but the result here is just a watery mush.
They need to find a way to shape noodles into pasta forms, then use those instead of this crap!!

Rating 0/5 - Nah...

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Sun, 20 Jan 2019, 03:37
No thanks, very muchly. Bleurghh!
Tue, 22 Jan 2019, 04:31
Back to proper noodles!!

December Noodle Three

Looks Like...

Tastes Like..

I'm not entirely sure!
There's a very Seaweed'y smell to it, and it's quite salty, but otherwise I really can't place it.
Just .. kinda.. fishy!!

The noodles themselves are thin, but there's a ton of the things, and they've soaked in a lot of the flavour, too.

Rating 4/5 - If not for the seafood vibe, it'd have been 5!

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Tue, 22 Jan 2019, 07:08
Soba noodles are generally very good in my experience. I absolutely love Chili Soba
Thu, 24 Jan 2019, 04:38
Noodle Four

Looks Like...

Tastes Like...

\O/yeay\o/ more Soba noodles! Another big thick full pot of noodle. Nom nom.
Oddly smells rather coffee-like. The rich aroma of a fresh cup, first thing in the morning!

The taste is slightly rubbery, so I imagine the Duck must've been a little yellow bathtime duck.
.. and the owner of the duck dropped their coffee into the bath.

Rating : 5/5 - much nicer without all the fishiness!!

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Thu, 24 Jan 2019, 09:28
Mon, 28 Jan 2019, 04:33
Noodle Five

Looks Like

Lots of little seeds in this one!!

Tastes Like

Not as thick as I'd like. A little too watery. If I were to redo this one, I'd've used less water.
But the spice kick is definitely there, so that's good.
The noodles are thin and "waterproof" so not much flavour to them. The watery soup is really quite tasty, though, with the spice and kind of a tomato base to it.

Rating : 5/5 - maybe less water, next time!

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