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power mousey

The Crossroads....

4th December 2007

The Crossroads
an old man is traveling on the road.
He doesn't know why and he doesn't remember
nor know this place.
He doesn't even remember who he is.
He tries to remember anything of who he is and
of his whole life. Nothing! No memories nor fla*snip*

power mousey


27th November 2007

what a great movie! :)
I saw this movie and with my brother Mark
a few days ago. This movie was so good and awesome it bumped out my 2 most favorite shows of the year.
And they were ''The 300'' and ''The Messengers''
A lot I c*snip*

power mousey

Planes, terrains, and other things.

27th November 2007

Yep...the title of the opinion piece
says it all.
Don't know why it took me so long to learn,
code and fiqure some things concerning terrains,
planes and entity coloring and texturing them as well.
Part of it was due to working on the night shifty.*snip*

power mousey

Crystal Clarity of dots.

17th November 2007

Crystal Clarity of dots
The purpose of this blog is to clarify
and make known of my use of dots. I'm sure
if you have read or even skimmed some of my posts
and other blogs that I use a series of dots.

Sometimes a series of dots is use in place of*snip*

power mousey

single loops....

12th November 2007

This has to do with assembly language.
And with 6502 assembly language in particular.
Without much further ado
here are 2 loops in 6502 assembly language.
Explanations will follow....
Count_Up: //entry label for entry and short comment too.*snip*

power mousey

Automobile Blogging!??

26th July 2007

I thought I seen it all with
drivers cell phoning and not keeping their
eyes on the road and fellow drivers.
And even more... a person riding a bike
listening to music in an ipod and talking
on a cell phone too.
Now this! Automobile blogging!??

power mousey

The entailing Python and Pygame

24th June 2007

like the mythic and medical signs of the ancients
where two snakes are entwined on the staff of Mercury.
Where Mercury was not the only messenger of the gods and goddesses but also had the gift of healing and regeneration too.
I'm also entwined in the *snip*

power mousey

Mountain Climbers!!

3rd June 2007

well not actually hiking up or climbing
a hill or moutain. But it sure feels like it.
I discovered this new exercise. Well, new exercise for
me and perhaps for you too. I was watching youtube videos
on weightlifting, isometric exercises, calistenics*snip*

power mousey

The Lost Apology...

5th April 2007

hello everybody :-)
with a duplicate of the key. The key of room 10
I have unlocked the door to the Mysterious Motel.
The magic place.
I have found and recovered the object known as the
Lost Apology.
serious. I owe everybody here an apology.
I a*snip*

power mousey

CompUSA closing!!

17th March 2007

yes, with sadness the company is closing a lot of
stores to save expenses and enhance profits.
um Go Walmart and Best Buy!!! :(
also, the local CompUsa on Blossom Hill is closing too.
The one behind Juicy Burger and Kentucky Fried Chicken. And acr*snip*

power mousey

Cobra not so down to Earth

4th March 2007

hi everyone,
its with reservation that I write this for everybody.
I'm not so socoder to share code and problems that I have
with coding and programming with everyone.
Just with a few people.
Yet, I hope you will at least listen and understand.

power mousey

I visited the Roman Colisieum

17th February 2007

its true. I took a vacation and visited the Roman Colisieum. I also made a quick flight to Greece
and visited some Ancient Greek temples and the Partheon
too. Then, I took a long flight to the very hot and dry Egypt.
I saw and got a tour the pyr*snip*

power mousey

I hate and love the Snow

8th February 2007

I hate the snow.
What is about it that people love and like to ski, go sledding, ice skate, and just frolick in a fracas in the frozen frenzy??
These little flakes of frozen fluffiness. This white powder that Mother Nature snuffs out from herself.

power mousey

I was a manager

2nd February 2007

yes, I was a manager.
And for about 15 to 20 minutes.
I needed to recertify for my apartment....the lease was
almost up. I had all the paperwork, except for 6 past bank statements from last year. So, I came back to the office
and asked if I can use on*snip*

power mousey

One Pill....

21st January 2007

as the title suggests
you take one pill
to make you feel good
you take one pill
to kill the pain
and you take one pill
for a cheap thrill
but you know I don't. I used to take pills a long time ago. For both a dietary supplement and as a fat burn*snip*

power mousey

Destiny has Decreed...

14th January 2007

Destiny and my fate. The Norn Fates keep spinning the fabrics of fate, weave the wheels of wonder, and spin the threads of time...both good and bad.
Case in point:
yesterday, my brother came and picked me up to go to the show with him. I broug*snip*

power mousey

An Intriguing and Curious Cat

14th January 2007

a very interesting and curious cat is the famous feline from the Divine Divinity game. If you have read up or even played the game...you know who and what I'm talking about.
The curious character and famous feline in the game is the white cat. t*snip*

power mousey

Writing put to the test...

9th January 2007

oooohhh my!

power mousey

Artistic Aspirations

5th January 2007

as I sit here behind the interface matrix portal of the relative realisitc physical world and in/out to this virtual digital matrix link of hundreds and thousands of silicon servers and write this blog on Artitstic Aspirations:
I'm listening to some of m*snip*

power mousey

Unbelievably Amazing

5th January 2007

about Cobra part 2

power mousey

Walking on Sunshine

4th January 2007

yeah Walking on Sunshine. ;)
I like the original song by Katrina and the Waves. I also like the remake by the Countdown Singers.
I'm playing it now and its a kinda song I play over and over for the rhythum and melody. I'm connected to it. I can play it*snip*

power mousey

My summation of Cobra

3rd January 2007

here is my summation of Cobra. Actually, its from a response and also a paraphrase from an email sent by my brother Mark to me.
He sent me an email asking me this: is that device which mom,me,Tracy gave you set up? I forget the name.
I replied with th*snip*

power mousey

at this time now

29th December 2006

hey agent smith and Diablosdevil,
get your butts in the chat room. lets talk and share and listen to each other.
true...your choice but come and join the fun. um...free pizza and beer!! yay!! ;)

power mousey

more on Cobra

27th December 2006

hey all,
I have been writing a few program snippets and testing out more of Cobra. Currently. I wrote a simple Pong game. Actually, some sprites that move and bounce on the screen with a Pong-like effect.
The first sprite is a an alien bug and the seco*snip*

power mousey

A Night Out to the Museum

27th December 2006

hello everybody.
Last night my mom and I went to the museum of natural history. We saw and read up on both historical characters and events such as Teddy Rossevelt, Lewis and Clark epeditions, the bloody campaigns of both Attila the Hun and Genghis Khan,*snip*

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